Thursday, June 9, 2011

Will a Spoonfull of Carrots Help the Medicine Go Down?

Oh friends, it has been an interesting past few days. I have been sick. I started feeling bad on Tuesday, and while I did start to feel better yesterday, the Mommies decided that I should go to the vet.

The vet was very nice and trip wasn't terrible (other than the dogs in the waiting room and we know how I feel about dogs). The vet said that I have what is called an upper respiratory infection, or as Ms. Alyssa says a very fancy cold. I did have to get a shot while I was there, and while I wasn't happy about that, it did not hurt as much as I thought it would and I know that it will help me feel better soon.

But apparently the shot was not enough.

The vet also told Mommy Denise and Mommy Tina (they took me to the vet) that I would need to take medicine twice a day for two weeks. Two weeks?! That's an eternity!

I took the first dose this morning. I know that I have to take it because it will make me better...but I don't like it. It's no fun to take and it certainly does not taste like carrots or pellets. I know they make flavored medicine for humans, why not for animals too?! But the Mommies reminded me that we all have to take medicine sometimes, even though it is not fun, and that I need to try to set a good example for everyone by being cooperative.

So I will try to be a good bunny and take my medicine and get lots of rest. I would still be happy to have visitors but I do have to cancel Sit With the Bunny this week. But please come and talk to me!

Love and carrots,


  1. You take good care of yourself, Morgan. Your Library Mommies will make sure you're feeling better soon! If we can help up here in Mooresville, let us know.

  2. Poor you, Morgan - feel better! Two weeks may seem like forever, but it will eventually be over.

  3. Thank you Cauli and Sparkle. I'm feeling much better already. I think the extra rest is helping.

  4. Hope u feel better really soon Morgan! Yes it's a shame there isn't a better tasting carrot flavored medicine!

  5. There are lush gardens all over Morgan County just waiting for you to come and have a tasty nibble. Hope you're feeling better soon!

  6. Thank you Ellie and Shady Creek. I'm feeling much, much better!
